
Self Identity

Noodle Head Designs


For my senior project at The University of Central Missouri, we had to brand ourselves. I tried and tried to like how my name looked typed/drawn out and I just couldn’t get into it. I decided to use my minor (photography) and a story from my childhood to come up with a unique name.

Noodle Head Designs comes from when I was about 5 years old and I REFUSED to eat my buttered noodles. I was instead laying across the chair on my back. My dad ended up getting on to me to sit up and ‘eat my food!’ In protest, I slammed my hand on the table to help sit myself up, and I ended up missing the table and hitting the bowl of noodles. In movie like fashion, they ended up on my head and all over me. It was then that my dad dubbed me with the nickname: Noodle Head.

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